Wheaton Montessori School
Ideas for Summer by Amy Chiste
Amy Chiste • July 3, 2023

I [Amy Chiste] have been receiving requests for ideas for summer activities from parents lately. Please keep in mind that this is not a "must do" list. These are merely suggestions. Some of them are “academic-ish,” but most are not. As I balance summer for my students in camp, I think about academic development (because learning and growing doesn’t take a break), time outdoors in nature, and special summer activities. This list is full of things to do whether you are in camp with me or not and a few may have an educational bent to them. So without further ado, here it goes...

1. Read to your child. Make trips to the library. Explore poetry, picture books, fiction and non-fiction. Find out how to sign up for a library card and join the summer reading program. The librarians have a wealth of knowledge and can offer you suggestions for titles based on interest or reading level.  There are always adult programs too!

2. Go on a scavenger hunt. In the primary classroom, we make collections. For example, the children find things in the environment that match the color tablets in color box 2. Eventually, someone wants to bring only materials that are blue to the rug, and they have made a collection of blue things. At home, you can make a list (or your child can help you make the list, or write the list him/herself) of ten things to find on a walk, at the park, in the grocery store, in the living room, etc. 

3. Plant something. “Plant all the things!” It doesn't have to be a major undertaking. Container gardens are an easy way to start. Buy plants or seeds and start small. Children can weed, water and cut flowers for arrangements. 

4. Get outside. Bubbles, sidewalk chalk, painting with water, take an easel outside, etc.

5. Visit the website for a local zoo and pick an animal to learn more about. Do some research at the library and then plan a trip to the zoo!

6. Count together. Count the number of steps to the car, the number of crackers on your plate, the number of ladybugs at the park. The list is endless.

7. Cook something. Even the youngest child can contribute to a family meal. Your child has probably had a lesson on preparing a carrot, an apple, and a hard-boiled egg and is able to stir, 

tear lettuce or set the table. You can find child-friendly cookbooks and recipes at your local library.

8. Write a letter or send a picture to someone. Who doesn’t love getting a surprise in their mailbox? 

9. Plan a trip to the beach. Trust me, it will be worth the drive.

10. Make lists. Grocery lists, what you are going to do that day, things to pack on a trip, etc. If your child isn’t writing yet, have them dictate to you. 

11. Make your own play dough, paint, bubble juice, slime, etc. You can find recipes online or craft books for kids at the library.

12. Camp out in your back yard. Catch fireflies together.

13. Have a picnic. Make all the food together.

14. Learn how to play a new game. Your local library may have games or puzzles available.  

15. Build something. Use Legos, cardboard boxes, couch cushions, get creative!

16. Make your own popsicles or ice cream.

17. Start a lemonade stand.

18. Play mini golf.

19. Make one day a “craft day.”

20. Have an indoor cook out on a rainy day. I call them “cook ins!” kind of like a sleep under.

Visit Wheaton Montessori School to see all ages involved and engaged socially and academically. You will leave with ideas to implement at home!

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